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Payment Posting

Payment posting

Electronic Remittance Advisory (ERA) Posting

Manual Payment Posting

Denial Posting

Posting Patient Payment

We process different types of remittance transactions with high accuracy and timeliness. These include Electronic Remittance Advisory (ERA) Posting, which typically involves a high volume of payment transactions, manual payment posting, denial posting, and posting patient payment.

Patient Payments

Patients can pay their co-pays, deductibles, or non-covered services using cash, check, or credit card.

Insurance Payments

Insurance payments are processed through an electronic system called Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) to batch process payments and correct any issues. If ERA is not available, insurance payments are manually processed.

E0B Processing

Insurance payments made without ERA are manually processed. The balance is then transferred to the secondary insurer if applicable.

Denial Posting

Denied claims may be re-billed to secondary insurance, transferred to the patient, written off, or sent for reprocessing. This ensures that the claim is processed correctly and accurately.

Soft Denial: Temporary denial that can be reversed if the provider corrects the claim or provides additional information.
Hard Denial: Irreversible denial that often results in lost or written-off revenue.